Individual adult therapy – £65 per 50-minute session
Limited concessionary rates are available for trainee counsellors, full-time adult students or clients on low income.
I accept payment by on-line bank transfer and I kindly ask that fees are paid before the start of the session.
I will review my fees annually and will give you 2 months-notice of any change to the fee.
Missed or cancelled sessions are payable in full regardless of the reason except for agreed holidays.

It is important for you to find a therapist that you can trust & feel supported by.
In the first instance, I offer a free, 30-minute telephone conversation to discuss the main issues you are experiencing and how we might work together. The gives us both an idea if working together feels appropriate.

I then suggest that we have an initial face-to-face 50-minute session – this gives you an idea of what a session with me would be like. We can discuss further what you require from your therapy and address any concerns that you or I may have. This way we can see if working together feels right for us both. This meeting is charged at my full or concessionary rate (as agreed). You are under no obligation to continue with me.

Individual sessions last 50 minutes.
They are held once a week (sometimes twice a week) at the same time, day and place.
If you arrive late for your session, the session will still finish at the time it was scheduled to.
In-person sessions, (face-to-face in the same room) may not be appropriate for you for a number of reasons and we can discuss the best way of working together during the initial telephone conversation that we have.

Online face-to-face sessions work in a similar way to in-person sessions. We are able to see each other, and they are bound by the same professional & confidential ways of working. These sessions will be held, as agreed, at the same time each week. The fee for these sessions is the same as the in-person sessions.

Obviously, you will need to have access to a video conferencing facility, and we can discuss which one would be the most appropriate for us to use together. I will also give you other practical information such as how contact will be made and what happens if there is a problem with an internet connection.

On-line sessions mean that you will be attending your sessions with me from your own space, so it is essential that you have access to a quiet, private place, where you will feel able to talk freely with me and where there will be no interruptions from other people. For example, this might be a separate room in your home, a garden room or your car.

There is no set time for how long your therapy should last. We can work within a time-limited or an open-ended frame. The length of the therapy process will depend on what it is you need from your therapy, and we can review this as we go along. I will initially offer you 6 sessions, after which we can review to see how you are finding the sessions and how best to continue.

The decision to end therapy is yours, but it is also important to work towards some kind of planned ending together, rather than finishing abruptly. Discussing when to end and what an ending might be like is an important part of the therapeutic process.

No, but I will help you to explore them & understand them better. I can support you in making your own decisions about how you want to resolve them.

Confidentiality is a very important aspect of the therapeutic relationship.  Our sessions are strictly confidential. However, as a member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP), I am required to have regular supervision and may need to discuss our work with my supervisor. A supervisor is another counsellor (also bound by the BACP Code of Ethics) that assists me with my work, helping me provide the best service to you. I will not disclose your name or anything that would enable you to be identified.

I will also need to keep client records and make short notes of our therapy sessions together. These notes for up to 2 years after the end of your therapy and you cannot be identified from them.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, I am committed to safeguarding your privacy as practicably possible and I am also registered on the Information Commissioner’s Register (ICO) Data Protection Register. More information can be found on the ICO website:

There may come a time when I do have to break confidentiality – if I am convinced that you intend to harm yourself or there is a serious risk to others then I will need to break confidentiality. In very rare cases I may be required to break confidentiality by law.

Missed or cancelled appointments are payable in full regardless of the reason except for agreed holidays.

I realise that unexpected situations, illnesses or emergencies can arise. Please let me know as soon as you can if you are unable to attend. Where possible, I will try to offer you an alternative appointment that week.

If you are intending to take a holiday, I kindly ask that you give me at least 4 weeks-notice as this helps us prepare for the break in your therapy.

I will give you at least 4 weeks-notice if I intend taking a holiday or break. If I must cancel a session at short notice, where possible, I will try to offer you an alternative appointment that week. You will not be charged for these sessions.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is an organisation that provides clear Ethical Codes of Practice for its members, like me. This ensures that I offer a high standard of safe & professional counselling to you. For more information visit: