How I Work

I hold a Diploma in Integrative Supervision of Individuals and Groups which meets the rigorous supervision training standards as set out by the BACP and work with both qualified and trainee therapists.

I believe in the absolute necessity and benefit of a supportive, consultative and restorative space for you to reflect openly on different aspects of your therapeutic work, one that I also hope will foster mutual curiosity, playfulness and learning for us both.

I encourage you to ‘come as you are’ – my aim is to provide a containing and adaptable space to meet your various needs and review your caseload. My therapeutic model is integrative with an attachment informed and relational focus and supports a variety of therapeutic approaches.

I contain our supervisory work with the Hawkins and Shohet Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision.

Individual Supervision

Supervision sessions for qualified and trainee individuals can be either 60 or 90 minutes long.
Individual Supervision for Qualified Practitioners – £60 / £90
Individual Supervision for Trainee Practitioners – £40 / £60

Supervisor Reports

I may have a role in assessing your work or providing reports for training purposes, professional matters, or employment references.
Should it take more than 30 minutes to prepare any report, then we can agree a fee for me doing this. With the exception of an employment reference, I will always share this report with you.

Payment and Terms

Payments are to be made via bank transfer and to be paid prior to the session.
Missed or cancelled appointments are payable in full regardless of the reason except for agreed holidays.

I realise that unexpected situations, illnesses or emergencies can arise. Please let me know as soon as you can if you are unable to attend. Where possible, I will try to offer you an alternative appointment that week.

I will review my fees annually and will give you 2 months-notice of any change to the fee.